Horace Willard
- Born: 25 Apr 1781, Lenox MA
- Marriage (1): Susanna Sophia Kemper on 22 Jun 1806 in Hudson NY
- Died: 3 Nov 1846, Catskill NY
General notes:
Jeweler and watchmaker
Events in his life were:

- He worked circa 1815-1845 as a jeweler and watchmaker in Catskill NY 18
- Master to James Bogardus 1814 in Catskill NY. In 1845, Bogardus bought out the remainder of his time and succeeded to his master's business.
Horace married Susanna Sophia Kemper on 22 Jun 1806 in Hudson NY. (Susanna Sophia Kemper was born on 12 Oct 1786 in Hudson NY and died on 19 Oct 1880.)