Josiah Keene
- Born: Abt 1778, Providence RI
- Marriage (1): Abigail Hall on 9 Feb 1808 in Providence RI
- Died: 5 Jun 1868, Providence RI
General notes:
Events in his life were:

- He worked before 1817 as a pewtersmith in Providence RI primarilly a coppersmith and metal founder, he only made a small amount of pewter (based on the surviving examples) in the first decade and a half of his career. In 1817, he sold all his molds to William Calder.

- Porringer, 1801-1817
Yale University
d: 5 3/8"
- Advertised in the Providence Gazette (Providence RI), 2 Oct 1802, offering his service as a pewterer, coppersmith, and metal founder from his shop "directly opposite Isaac Everleth and Sons Tobacco Manufactury."
Josiah married Abigail Hall on 9 Feb 1808 in Providence RI. (Abigail Hall was born about 1786 in Providence RI.)