Joseph Clark
- Born: 12 Feb 1764, Mansfield Center CT
- Marriage (1): Anna Stedman on 21 Jun 1787 in Danbury CT
- Died: 13 Jul 1821
General notes:
Events in his life were:

- Flynt & Fales:, . 3 Served in Revolutionary War in 1777 at the time of the Danbury Raid.
- Advertised in the New Haven Gazette and Connecticut Magazine, 4 Oct 1787, as gold- and silversmith and also chairmaker. 3
- Advertised in the New Haven Gazette and Connecticut Magazine, 11 Oct 1787, that he had his shop in Danbury; work done in gold and silver. 3
- Advertised in the New Haven Gazette and Connecticut Magazine, 1791, stating he conducted a business of clock- and watchmaking, gold- and silversmithing in all its branches at his shop near printing office. 3
- He worked in 1811-1817 as a silversmith in Newburgh NY 3

- He was a partner circa 1818 with Joseph Reeves in Newburgh NY as REEVES & CLARK. 18

Joseph married Anna Stedman, daughter of Unknown and Unknown, on 21 Jun 1787 in Danbury CT. (Anna Stedman was born on 7 Aug 1764 in Hampton CT and died in Newburgh NY.)