Lyman W. Blakeslee
- Born: 1822, Litchfield CT
General notes:
Events in his life were:
- He was a partner in 1866-1868 with Edward Blakeslee in Cincinnati OH as E. BLAKESLEE & SON.

- He was issued patent number 72,786 on 31 Dec 1867
Letters Patent No. 72,786, dated December 31, 1867.
To whom it may concern:
Be it known that we, Lyman W. Blakeslee and Algernon D. Smith, both of Cincinnati, Hamilton county, State of Ohio, have invented a new and useful Burglar-Alarm; and do hereby declare the following to be a full, clear, and exact description thereof, reference being had to the accompanying drawings, making part of this specification.
Our invention relates to an automatic alarm, capable of being set to operate by the opening of a door, or of being temporarily thrown out of operation when the door is required for family use.
Figure 1 is a perspective view, showing the door closed and the alarm set.
Figure 2 is a perspective view, showing, the door open and the alarm locked.
A is an alarm, having the customary alarm-movement or parts B .0 D of a common clock. E is a rod, projecting from the pallet C. This movement is enclosed in a case or box, F, having a slot, f, through which the rod E protrudes, and in which, when-the alarm is in action, it plays. The box F is fastened to the inner side of the door, near its top, and near the free edge thereof. Attached to the door-jamb, and projecting therefrom, is a tongue, G, which slopes upward on its under side, and is level or slightly upturned on its upper side.
While the door is shut, the tongue G holds down the rod E, and prevents an alarm, but the opening of the door, by liberating the rod, sets the alarm at liberty. For day use, when the alarm is not required, the rod E is held down by a hook, H, so as to enable the door to be used freely, without disturbing the alarm, and so that once winding up the alarm would serve until it is discharged by burglarious hands. The alarm is wound in the usual way, by a key applied to the arbor D.
I is a sliding door to the box, having an aperture, i, for the. insertion of the winding-key.
We claim herein as new, and of our invention—
The combination, with the alarm A and the rod or trigger E, of stationary curved tongue or catch G and hook H, all applied and operating in the manner and for the purpose set forth.
In testimony of which invention, we hereunto set our hands.
Lyman W. Blakeslee
Algernon D. Smith
Geo. H. Knight
James H. Layman
- He appeared on the 1870 census taken at Cincinnati OH, listed as a clerk.
- He appeared on the 1880 census taken at Thomaston CT, listed as a clockmaker.