William Turner Gale
- Born: 31 Dec 1837, Rockport MA
- Died: 26 Dec 1894, New York City NY
General notes:
Jeweler (tentative identification)
Events in his life were:
- Apprenticed in 1853-1863 to PALMER & BATCHELDER. In Boston MA
He remained at the firm after his term, working as a journeyman.
- He appeared on the 1860 census taken at Cambridge MA, listed as a clerk.

- He was a partner in 1863-1865 with Jonas A. Eaton and James Pardon Snow in Boston MA as GALE, EATON & SNOW. The mark shown is stamped over FARRINGTON & HUNNEWELL. 4
- Advertised in the Lowell Massacusetts Courier (Lowell MA), 1864,
221 Washington Street, Boston,
Nett Cash Jobbers in
Watches of all kinds and qualities, and Jewelry in great variety.
Also, agents for Rogers, Smith & Co.'s celebrated Silver Plated Ware.
All the above goods for sale at prices which defy competition.
- He was a partner in 1865 with James Pardon Snow in Boston MA as GALE, SNOW & Co. with a shop at 221 Washington Street. 4

- Receipt, 1868
Historic New England

- He worked in 1870-1874 as a jeweler in Boston MA as W. T. GALE & Co. with a shop at 221 Washington Street.
- He appeared on the 1870 census taken at Cambridge MA, listed as a jeweler.

- Advertised in the The Missionary Herald, 1872,
- He worked circa 1875-1880 as a jeweler in New York City NY
- He appeared on the 1880 census taken at New York City NY, listed as a jewelry merchant.
- Obituary printed in the New York Times (New York City NY) on 28 Dec 1894
William T. Gale, who died at his home,-125 West One Hundred and Twenty-third Street, on Christmas night, had been actively engaged in the jewelry business for about forty years, and for nearly twenty years had been favorably known to the patrons of Tiffany & Co. He was the son of a clergyman of Rockport, Mass., and one of eight children. The limited means of his father prompted a wealthy uncle, Daniel Safford, to invite his nephew William to come to live with him in Boston, and there complete his education.
He was graduated from the Latin School in 1853 at the age of seventeen, and began his business career by entering the employ of the old-time jewelry firm of Palmer & Bachelder, on Washington Street, Boston, He remained with this firm and their successors for about twenty years, and in 1873 [sic] embarked in business for himself in Boston under the firm name of Gale, Eaton & Snow, but after about two years this partnership was dissolved, and in 1877 he entered the employ of Tiffany & Co., and remained with the house until his death.
Mr. Gale was one of the salesmen selected by Tiffany & Co. to preside at the firm's exhibition in the Tiffany Pavilion ,at the Paris Exposition in 1889, and in recent years he was connected with the diamond department of the Union Square store.