Edward Danforth
- Born: 20 Mar 1765, Middletown CT
- Marriage (1): Jerusha Moseley
- Died: 26 Apr 1830, Hartford CT
General notes:
Events in his life were:

- Apprenticed circa 1780 to Thomas Danforth in Middletown CT
After his master's death, he finished his training with his brothers, Joseph and Thomas.
- He worked circa 1786-1799 as a pewtersmith in Hartford CT
By 1799, he was making little, if any pewter, but continued as a general merchant, selling goods by Samuel Danforth and Thomas Danforth Boardman.
Edward married Jerusha Moseley. (Jerusha Moseley was born about 1769 in Glastonbury CT and died on 16 Jan 1853.)