Thomas Hammersley
- Born: 30 Aug 1727, New York City NY
- Marriage (1): Sarah Colgan after 18 Dec 1761 in New York City NY
- Died: 1781, New York City NY
General notes:
Events in his life were:

- He worked circa 1750-1790 as a silversmith in New York City NY with a shop, after 1757, on Hanover Square, next door to merchant John Waters. 4
- Advertised in the The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy (New York City NY), 27 Jun 1757,
"Thomas Hammersley, Gold-Smith, who lately lived near the Change in Dock Street has removed his Shop into Hanover-Square, next Door to Mr. John Waters, Merchant. Where he continues to carry on his Business, with the usual Expedition; and trusts he shall afford the same general Satisfaction as heretofore. N.B. Any Person well acquainted with the Gold Smith's Business, may meet with good Encouragement, by applying to the said Hamersley.—" 8
- Advertised in the The New-York Mercury (New York City NY), 22 Jan 1759,
"Last Wednesday Night two Silver Spoons were offered to Sale to Thomas Hamersly, of the City, Goldsmith, which he stop'd on Suspicion of their being stole. . ."

- Chocolate pot, 1760
Private Collection
h: 10 1/2"
wt: 36 oz
Engraved with the Livingston arms, crest and motto in a rococo cartouche and R over L * M on the base for Robert and Mary (Thong) Livingston.

- Cann, c 1760
Private Collection
h: 4 3/4"
wt: 16 oz, 4 dwt
Engraved C over PL

- Sauce boat, c 1760
Private Collection
l: 7"
wt: 11 oz
Engraved M * TE for Mary (Gurney) Ten Eyck.
- Master to Thomas Colgan c 1764 in New York City NY.
In the name of God, Amen. I, FLEMING COLGAN, of New York, mariner, being of sound mind. I leave to my brother, John Colgan, 10 shillings, in full bar to all claim as eldest son. I leave to my nephew, Fleming Colgan, residing at Jamaica, in Queens County, $400. To my nephew, Reed Colgan, now in the West Indies, $50. I leave to Johana, daughter of Mr. Christopher Smith, and his late wife, my niece, Mary Colgan, $400. To Thomas, Catharine, and Elijah, the children of Wynant Van Zandt and his wife, Jane, my niece, late Jane Colgan, each $150. To Lucretia and Mary, children of Thomas Hamersley and Sarah, his wife, late Sarah Colgan, my niece, $150 each. To my nephew, Thomas Colgan, now apprentice to said Thomas Hamersley, $150. All the rest of my estate to my niece, Mary Smith, wife of Christopher Smith. I make Christopher Smith and Wynant Van Zandt, executors.
Dated, November 24, 1764.
Witnesses: Rebecca More, Mark Valentine, mariner, James Emott.
Proved, 01 February 1771 28

- Teapot, c 1765
Private Collection
w: 9 3/4"
wt: 19 oz, 10 dwt

- Apple corer, c 1775
Yale University
l: 6"
wt: 1.03 ounces
Thomas married Sarah Colgan, daughter of John Colgan and Mrs. John Colgan, after 18 Dec 1761 in New York City NY.