Luther Anthony Taber
- Born: 15 Sep 1817, Thompson CT
- Marriage (1): Lydia Wheat Bullock on 22 Oct 1844 in Grafton NH
- Died: 20 Jan 1906, Holyoke MA
General notes:
Jeweler and watchmaker
Events in his life were:
- Apprenticed in 1830-1837 to Cyrus Adams in Grafton NH
- He worked in 1838-1840 as a jeweler and watchmaker in Boston MA
- He worked in 1842-1848 as a jeweler and watchmaker in Cannan Grafton NH
- He worked in 1848-1875 as a jeweler and watchmaker in Holyoke MA

- Watch paper, c 1848
Private Collection
- He appeared on the 1850 census taken at Holyoke MA, listed as a watchmaker.
- Master to Frank Luther Tabor 1873-1876 in Holyoke MA.
- He appeared on the 1870 census taken at Holyoke MA, listed as a jeweler.

- Tradecard, c 1875
Private Collection
For L. A. TABER & SON.
- He was a partner in 1876 with Frank Luther Taber in Holyoke MA as L. A. TABER & SON with a shop at 183 High Street.
- He appeared on the 1880 census taken at Holyoke MA, listed as a jewelry merchant.
Luther married Lydia Wheat Bullock on 22 Oct 1844 in Grafton NH. (Lydia Wheat Bullock was born on 20 Jun 1823 in Grafton NH and died on 10 Mar 1880.)