Luther Goddard
- Born: 26 Feb 1762, Shrewsbury MA
- Marriage (1): Elizabeth Dakin on 19 Jun 1784 in Massachusetts
- Died: 1842
General notes:
Events in his life were:
- He was a partner in 1803 with James Hamilton in Shrewsbury MA as GODDARD & HAMILTON.
- Advertised in the Massachusetts Spy or Worcester Gazette, 16 Nov 1803, Luther Goddard & James Hamilton, Inform their customers and the public, that they carry on the Watchmaking business in Shrewsbury, on the Post road from Boston to New York; that they make day of the month and plain Watches, and also Watches constructed on the Litherland and company plan, which are allowed to be the best timekeepers; and that they repair all kind of Watches in the best manner, and with the greatest dispatch, on as reasonable terms as can be obtained in the Commonwealth, and warrant all their work.
N. B. A good journeyman finisher, and also one or two boys as apprentices to the said Watch making are wanted by the said Goddard and Hamilton.
- He worked before 1817 as a silversmith in Shrewsbury MA as the only silversmith in that town at the time. 3

- He was a partner in 1817-1823 with Daniel Goddard in Worcester MA as L. GODDARD & SON and later L & D GODDARD. 3
- He worked about 1817 as a silversmith, watchmaker, and jeweler in Worcester MA opening a shop on Main Street opposite Daniel Waldo's store. Became a Baptist minister after sons, Daniel Goddard and Parley Goddard, took over his business of making and repairing watches and jewelry. 3

- Watchpaper, c 1820
American Antiquarian Society
Luther married Elizabeth Dakin, daughter of Unknown and Unknown, on 19 Jun 1784 in Massachusetts. (Elizabeth Dakin was born on 16 Jun 1763 in Sudbury MA and died on 19 Jan 1828 in Worcester MA.)