John Cooper Stedman
- Born: 1799, Chatham NC
- Died: 11 Nov 1833
General notes:
Events in his life were:

- He was a partner on 19 Mar 1819-7 Jun 1820 with John Y. Savage in Raleigh NC as SAVAGE & STEDMAN 25
- Advertised in the Raleigh Register (Raleigh NC), 6 Apr 1821, offering his services as an auctioneer and general commission merchant. He also ran a similar ad in the Norfolk and Portsmouth Herald on April 18th. 25
- Advertised in the Raleigh Register (Raleigh NC), 14 Aug 1822, that he had re-commenced the watchmaking and silversmithing business and desired apprentices. 25
- Appointed in 1823-May 1824 as Constable in Wake County Court 25
- Appointed in 1829 as Justice of Pleas and Quarter Sessions in Wake County Court
- Master to James Gorman Feb 1829 in Raleigh NC.
Gorman was an orphan and Stedman was appointed his guardian in May 1832.
- He appeared on the 1830 census taken at , Wake, NC, listed as a jeweler, silversmith and watchmaker.
- Obituary printed in the Western Methodist on 22 Nov 1833
"Close to the publishing date of this issue, J. C. STEADMAN was killed when looking out a window of the passenger car he was riding, of the Camden and Amboy Railroad, northeast United States, when the train stopped very suddenly, lurching, causing him traumatic injury. Steadman had been a resident of Raleigh, North Carolina."
Stedman was returning from a buying trip to New York City.