David Melville
- Born: 23 Mar 1756, Newport RI
- Marriage (1): Polly Herrick on 26 Oct 1778 in Newport RI
- Died: 22 Nov 1793, Newport RI
General notes:
Events in his life were:

- He worked circa 1775-1790 as a pewtersmith in Newport RI

- Porringer, c 1780
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
h: 1 1/2"
d: 5" (of rim)
- Advertised in the Newport Mercury (Newport RI), 3 Nov 1783,
David Melville, Pewterer, Informes the Public that he has removed his works from Thames Street, on upon the Long Wharf, opposite Mr Nathan Bebee's, where he has Pewter to sell, at Wholesale and Retail, as cheap as can be purchased at any Shop in Town. Cash given for old Pewter or new given in exchange.
NB — Said Melville has a Quantity of Nails to sell by Wholesale and Retail.

- Advertised in the The Newport Herald (Newport RI), 5 Jun 1788, seeking an apprentice to the pewter trade.
- , . His will read in part "I give and bequest to my three sons, Thomas, Andrew, and William . . . all my Pewter-making tools, implements, and apurtenances equally to be devided between them as they shall severally arrive to lawful age, that is to say if each. . . should learn the Pewter's trade. . ."
David married Polly Herrick on 26 Oct 1778 in Newport RI. (Polly Herrick was born in 1758 and died on 1 Jul 1794 in Newport RI.)