Benjamin Ely Cook
- Born: 31 Dec 1803, Hyde Park NY
- Marriage (1): Elizabeth Christine Griffen on 21 May 1827 in Claverack NY
- Died: 25 Feb 1900, Northampton MA
General notes:
Silversmith, jeweler, and watchmaker
Events in his life were:

- He worked before 1826 as a silversmith, jeweler, and watchmaker in Troy NY 18
- He worked after 1827 as a silversmith, jeweler, and watchmaker in Northampton MA in the shop once occupied by Samuel Stiles.
- He was a partner on 24 Jul 1828-1833 with Nathan Storrs in Northampton MA as STORRS & COOK. 4

- Watchpaper, c 1830
American Antiquarian Society
- He worked in 1834-1858 as a silversmith, jeweler, and watchmaker in Northampton MA 18
- He appeared on the 1850 census taken at Northampton MA, listed as a watchmaker.

- He was a partner in 1858-1900 with Benjamin Ely Cook in Northampton MA as B. E. COOK & SON.

- Watch paper, c 1859
Private Collection
- Advertised in the Bangor Daily Whig and Courier (Bangor ME), 18 May 1861, as part of a group endorsement of the Waltham Watch Company.
- He appeared on the 1870 census taken at Northampton MA, listed as a jeweler.
- He appeared on the 1880 census taken at Northampton MA, listed as a merchant

- Tradecard, c 1880
Private Collection

- Tradecard, c 1880
Private Collection

- Tradecard, c 1880
Private Collection
- He appeared on the 1860 census taken at Northampton MA, listed as a jeweler.
Benjamin married Elizabeth Christine Griffen, daughter of Isaiah Griffen and Waitstill Butler, on 21 May 1827 in Claverack NY. (Elizabeth Christine Griffen was born on 11 Jan 1808 in Hudson NY and died on 26 Apr 1880.)