Guy Loomis
- Born: 20 Feb 1795, Windsor CT
- Marriage (1): Nancy Baker on 11 Nov 1844 in Windsor CT
- Died: 20 Sep 1874, Erie PA
General notes:
Silversmith, jeweler, and watchmaker
Events in his life were:

- He worked in 1816-1837 as a silversmith, jeweler, and watchmaker in Sheffield MA 3
- Advertised in the Berkshire Star (Stockbridge MA), 31 Oct 1816, that he had "taken the stand recently occupied by David Burt, watchmaker and jeweler, nearly opposite the meetinghouse in Sheffield, where he keeps constantly for sale a handsome assortment of goods in his line, among which are English and French watches, gold and silver Cornelian set watch seals and keys, silver tea spoons, candle sticks, thimbles, , knives and forks, ear & finger rings, etc." Similar ads appeared in Nov. and Dec. 1816, and in Apr., May and Sept. 1824. 3

- He worked circa 1837-1870 as a silversmith, jeweler, and watchmaker in Erie PA as the G. LOOMIS & Co. located on State Street. 3

- Advertised in the Erie Gazette (Erie PA), 26 Oct 1837, announcing he had opened a silversmith shop on French Street. Same ad repeated in the Erie Chronicle on June 15, 1841. 3

- Countermarked coin, After 1837
Private Collection
Struck on an 1784 French Louis.

- Watch paper, c 1850
American Antiquarian Society
- He appeared on the 1850 census taken at Erie PA, listed as a jeweler.
- He appeared on the 1870 census taken at Erie PA, listed as a watchmaker.
Guy married Nancy Baker on 11 Nov 1844 in Windsor CT. (Nancy Baker was born in 1810.)