Joseph Pope
- Born: 19 Nov 1748, Boston MA
- Marriage (1): Elizabeth Pierpont in 1787 in Boston MA
- Died: 1826, Hallowell ME
General notes:
Clock and watchmaker
Events in his life were:
- He worked circa 1780-1810 as a clock and watchmaker in Boston MA
Listed in the 1800 city directory a 36 Marlborough Street.
"He constructed an orrery of such merit that Governor Bowdoin, John Hancock and others procured an act of the legislature granting the right to raise five hundred pounds by lottery to buy the astronomical curiosity for Harvard College, which was done, and the college still preserves it. Joseph Pope received £450/3s. for this instrument." (Illustrated History Of Kennebec County Maine, 1625 - 1892)

- Watch paper, c 1800
American Antiquarian Society
Joseph married Elizabeth Pierpont, daughter of Benjamin Pierpont and Elizabeth Shepard, in 1787 in Boston MA. (Elizabeth Pierpont was born on 23 Aug 1761 in Boston MA and died in 1838 in Hallowell ME.)