John Burt Lyng
- Born: Abt 1740
- Marriage (1): Magdalane Jandine on 11 Sep 1759 in New York City NY
- Died: Bef 20 Apr 1785, New York City NY
General notes:
Events in his life were:

- He worked circa 1760-1785 as a silversmith in New York City NY 4
- Made freeman of New York City NY, 31 Mar 1761. 4
- Advertised in the New York Gazette (New York City NY), 5 Jan 1764, "... at Private Sale, the house wherein John Burt Lyng, Silver-Smith now lives, in Broad-Way. N. B. The Gold and Silver-Smith Business is carried on as usual, by the Public's very humble Servant, John Burt Lyng." The house mentioned was next door to that of silversmith Myer Myers. 8

- Strainer, c 1770
Clark Art Institute
d: 3 5/8"
wt: 2.75 oz.
- He wrote his will on 31 Mar 1773 in New York City NY
In the name of God, Amen. With humble Resignation to the dispensations of Providence I, JOHN BURT LYNG, of the City of New York, Gold and silversmith, do make this my last will. My executors shall from time to time pay to my beloved wife, Magdalen Lyng, the nett profits of my estate, real and personal, not otherwise disposed of, till the youngest of my children now living or hereafter born shall arrive to the age of twenty-one, to be for the maintenance and education of all my children till that period; but if my executors be of opinion that the profits be misapplied I give them a discretionary power to withold the same or part thereof from my wife and to apply the same to the proper education and comfortable support of my children. To my wife Magdalen all my household and kitchen furniture and all my Plate (that in my shop and intended for sale excepted), also my executors shall suffer my wife to have the annual profits of the lot of land for which I have a lease from the Eector and Inhabitants of the City of New York in communion of the Church of England, she regularly paying the ground rent for the same and keeping the buildings, fences and improvements in good repair, the above in lieu of her right of Dower. To my son Harman an "English Crown piece whereof I am at present possessed." As each of my children arrive at the age of twenty-one my executors shall pay them £50, he or she giving security to pay annually lawful interest for the same till my youngest child comes of age as aforesaid. To Catharine, daughter of Stephen Keble, of the City of New York, Distiller, £10. All the rest of my estate to my four children, Harman, Ann Jandine, Jandine and John Burt, and such others as I may have, equally divided when my youngest child comes of age. It is my will that my executors do not sell by way of Auction or Vendue my shop plate, shop goods or working tools till one year after my decease, it being my intention that during that time they be tried at private sale. I appoint my friends, James Lawrence, of the City of New York, Coach Maker, and Richard Harison, of the same City, Esqr , Attorney at Law, executors.
Witnesses: John Campbell, Thomas Campbell, James Wessells, of New York City, wig maker.
Proved, New York, April 20, 1785.
Codicil: Whereas I, the within named JOHN BURT LYNG, have since making the within will purchased from James Lawrence and Ann, his wife, two lots in the outward of New York City being two of the lots conveyed by Nicholas Bayard and Catharine, his wife, to Philip Livingston, Isaac Roosevelt, Richard Sharpe, Theophylact Bache, Thomas Marston, Gabriel H. Lucllow and Levinus Clarkson, and distinguished in a map thereof by the number 449 and 1063, now therefore I declare that the said land be divided and disposed of in like manner as the residue of my estate in the within will.
Date of Codicil July 17, 1774.
Witnesses to Codicil: James Wessells, William Field, Jr., Thomas Campbell.
Administration granted to Eichard Harison, April 20, 1785.
- Advertised in the Rivington's New-York Gazetteer (New York City NY), 12 May 1774,
"To be Sold, a Smart Wench about 23 years old; the reason for parting with her is, she does not understand country work: She can be as well recommended as any Black that ever was sold. For farther particulars enquire of John Burt Lying, Gold-smith, living in Great-George-Street."

- Gold mourning ring, 1776
Museum of the City of New York 28
d: 3/4"
wt: .10 oz
Lettered in black enamel "MARY * MARSTON * OB * 22 * APRIL * 1776 * Æ • 86 *"

- Spoon, c 1780
Henry Luce III Center for the Study of American Culture
l: 4 5/8"
John married Magdalane Jandine on 11 Sep 1759 in New York City NY.