Samuel Ward Benedict
- Born: 12 Mar 1798, Danbury CT
- Marriage (1): Susan S. Ovington on 23 Jan 1822 in Danbury CT
- Died: 3 May 1880
General notes:
Silversmith, jeweler, and watchmaker
Events in his life were:

- He worked circa 1818-1827 as a silversmith, jeweler, and watchmaker in New York City NY as a journeyman for TAYLOR & HINSDALE.
- Advertised in the New York Spectator (New York City NY), 1827,
"SAMUEL W. BENEDICT, WATCH MAKER, has removed from the store of Messrs. Taylor and Hinsdale, No. 172 Broadway, and taken a shop at No. 30 Wall-street, where he offers for sale a complete assortment of Ladies and Gentlemens' Gold and Silver Patent Lever, the French patent anchor escapement, full jewelled, Lepines with Ruby Cylinders, English and French Plain Watches of every description. Also French Marble and Alabaster Clocks, imported expressly for retailing, which will be sold and warranted to be first rate time keepers; Chains, Seals and Keys of the newest and richest patterns.
He respectfully solicits the patronage of the Public and his old Customers, in repairing the above articles, and hopes by his attention, to have a continuance of their former favors.
A Pattern Card of Silver Spoons and Forks will be kept for the accommodation of those Who may favor him with their orders. Both silver and workmanship will be of the first quality."
- He worked in 1840-1865 as a silversmith, jeweler, and watchmaker in New York City NY from shop at 5 Wall Street. 4
- He was a partner circa 1841-1845 with Samuel Hammond in New York City NY as BENEDICT & HAMMOND with a shop at 44 Merchant Exchange. The form was dissolved by mutual consent on 14 May, 1845 and announced in the The Evening Post of 24 May. Hammond formed a new partnership at the same address with Osdin Ashcraft as S. HAMMOND & Co.
- Advertised in the New York Tribune (New York City NY), 8 May 1841,
SAMUEL W. BENEDICT, Watch Maker, Merchants Exchange, corner of Wall and William streets, having formed a connection in business with S. HAMMOND, their personal attention will be given to repairing fine Watches. The most complicated parts of Duplex aud Chronometer Watches put in equal to the original.
Mr. Hammond would make his acknowledgement to the Trade, for their kindness and.patronage since living in New York, and will always give their work preference in makiug, but will not be able to make any discount from the retail price.
Duplex, Independent Second, and other Watches of splendid patterns for sale, warranted perfect or the money returned. Jewelry and Silver Ware as usual.
- Advertised in the New York Spectator (New York City NY), 1843,
BENEDICT & HAMMOND, Watch Makers, Merchants Exchange, Wall street, have received some of the new Escapement Duplex Watches, with a new invented Isochromous Chronometer Balance Spring.
These are the first ever imported into the United States. Mr Hammond, on his recent visit to Europe, fully satisfied himself of their superiority over all other kinds, made an arrangement with the manufactor and inventor for the sole agency for New York ; and all sold by them will have their name engraved, to prevent the difficulty they sustained in introducing the celebrated Cooper Watches.
Fine Watches repaired and all new parts put in equal to the original.
They have made an arrangement with the Celebrated workman, Mr. G W Willis, and all repairs will be done under their personal inspection.
A fine assortment of all other kinds of Watches very low.
Silver Forks and Spoons of sterling silver to the trade or at retail.

- Advertised in the Doggett's New York City Directory (New York City NY), 1846,

- Tradecard, 1846
Metropolitan Museum of Art
- He appeared on the 1850 census taken at Westfield NY, listed as a watchmaker.
- He appeared on the 1870 census taken at New York City NY, listed as a retired jeweler.
- Obituary printed in the New York Times (New York City NY) on 5 May 1880
"Samuel Ward Benedict, the founder of a well-known watch-making and jewelry firm of this City, died on Monday at his home at Rossville, Staten Island, where he has lived since 1835, at the age of 82 years. Mr. Benedict's direct ancestor, Thomas Benedict, came to America from Nottinghamshire, England, in 1638, and settled in Connecticut, where his descendants have lived to the present time. Samuel Ward Benedict was the son of Peter, a great-great-grandson of Thomas, and was born at Danbury, Conn., March 12, 1798. When a lad, he learned the watch and jewelry business, and in 1818, when his apprenticeship was finished, came to this City and worked for a time as a journeyman, but soon afterward began business on his own account. A few years before the great fire of 1835 he set up in Wall-street, corner of William-street, and here built up an excellent business. William-street was then within about one block of the East River, and Mr. Benedict established quite a reputation among the ship Captains for his chronometer-work. The Wall-street omnibuses were started from in front of his store, and it was there that the phrase "Benedict's time" became the popular form of indicating the correct City time. He subsequently removed to No. 5 Wall-street, where he did business until his retirement in 1860."
Samuel married Susan S. Ovington, daughter of Unknown and Unknown, on 23 Jan 1822 in Danbury CT. (Susan S. Ovington was born on 18 Mar 1801 in Springfield NJ and died on 30 Nov 1884.)