Jacob George Lewis Libby
- Born: 22 Apr 1797, Boston MA
- Marriage (1): Elizabeth Simonds on 2 Jul 1820 in Boston MA
- Died: 4 Mar 1847, Boston MA
General notes:
Silversmith and jeweler
Events in his life were:

- He worked in 1818-1819 as a silversmith and jeweler in Boston MA
Listed in the 1818 city directory with a shop on Milk Street.
- He worked in 1820 as a silversmith and jeweler in Richmond VA 43
- Advertised in the Richmond Commercial Compiler (Richmond VA), 22 Dec 1820,
Working Jeweller. The Subscriber respectfully informs the Inhabitants of the City of Richmond, that he has commenced business in the above branch in Harris' building, corner of E and 11th sts. where he hopes by punctuality and personal attention, to merit a portion of their patronage. Every article in the Jewelry line, manufactured and repaired in the neatest manner, Viz: Pearl, Diamond and Paste Work, Hair Work, of every description, made and mounted to order—Watch Chains, Seals and Keys—Gold Shirt Studs, Finger Rings, Lockets, &c. &c.
All kinds of Plated and Silver Ware, repaired.
All Orders from the Country shall be personally attended to. Cash paid for old Gold and Silver.
- He worked in 1821-1846 as a silversmith and jeweler in Boston MA with a shop at Harvard Place. 3
Jacob married Elizabeth Simonds on 2 Jul 1820 in Boston MA. (Elizabeth Simonds was born about 1804 in Boston MA and died on 10 Aug 1844.)