George Sumner Goddard
- Born: 8 Apr 1789, Shrewsbury MA
- Marriage (1): Sarah Pond in Roxbury MA
- Died: 21 Dec 1831, Boston MA
General notes:
Jeweler and watchmaker
Events in his life were:
- He worked circa 1810-1825 as a jeweler and watchmaker in Boston MA with a shop at 1 Faneuil Hall Road and later at 25 Anne Street.

- Watch paper, c 1815
American Antiquarian Society

- Watch paper, c 1815
American Antiquarian Society

- Watch paper, c 1815
American Antiquarian Society
- He was a partner circa 1816 with William Grubb in Boston MA as GODDARD & GRUBB.

- Countermarked coin, Abt 1820
Private Collection
- He was a partner in 1829-1831 with William Pond in Boston MA as W. POND & Co.
George married Sarah Pond in Roxbury MA. (Sarah Pond was born on 14 Feb 1792 in Roxbury MA and died on 25 Jul 1854.)