Pardon Miller
- Born: 6 Apr 1797, Providence RI
- Marriage (1): Anna Eizabeth Martin on 1 Jan 1821 in Providence RI
- Died: 27 Jul 1852, Providence RI
General notes:
Silversmith, jeweler, and watchmaker
Events in his life were:

- He worked in 1822-1850 as a silversmith, jeweler, and watchmaker in Providence RI
Listed in the 1836 city directory with a shop at 47 Cheapside and in the 1844 edition at 24 North Main as a jeweler and optician. 3
- Advertised in the Providence Gazette (Providence RI), 25 May 1822, offering from his shop at 16 Cheapside ". . . spectacles, thermometers, English and French watches, chairs, silver spoons, and beads in gold or silver." 3

- Watch paper, c 1830
American Antiquarian Society
- He appeared on the 1850 census taken at Providence RI, listed as a watchmaker.
Pardon married Anna Eizabeth Martin on 1 Jan 1821 in Providence RI. (Anna Eizabeth Martin was born on 25 May 1801 in Providence RI and died on 20 Nov 1884 in Providence RI.)