Joseph Coolidge
- Born: 1747, Boston MA
- Marriage (1): Elizabeth Boyer on 1 Jun 1772 in Boston MA
- Died: 6 Oct 1821, Boston MA
General notes:
Events in his life were:
- He worked circa 1768-1789 as a silversmith and jeweler in Boston MA
In later city directories, he is refered to as a merchant. 9
- Advertised in the Boston News-Letter (Boston MA), 9 May 1771, offering a large selection of goods lately imported from London for sale from his shop ". . . opposite Mr. William Greenleaf's, Foot of Cornhill." 8
- , . 8 A very successful merchant and speculator in real estate, his will included bequests totalling more than $100,000.
Joseph married Elizabeth Boyer, daughter of Daniel Boyer and Elizabeth Bulfinch, on 1 Jun 1772 in Boston MA. (Elizabeth Boyer was born about 1753 in Boston MA, christened on 10 Jun 1753 in Boston MA and died in 1786 in Boston MA.)