Alexander Coffman Ross
- Born: 31 May 1812, Zanesville OH
- Marriage (1): Caroline Granger on 2 Apr 1838
- Died: 26 Feb 1883, Zanesville OH
General notes:
Silversmith, jeweler, and watchmaker
Events in his life were:
- Apprenticed in 1829-1831 to Charles Hill in Zanesville OH

- He was a partner circa 1833 with Charles Hill in Zanesville OH
- He worked circa 1840-1865 as a silversmith, jeweler, and watchmaker in Zanesville OH
A man of many talents and an ingenious turn of mind. He is credited with being the inventor of sulphur matches and with producing the first daguerreotypes west of the Allegheny mountains after reading an account of the discovery of the process in a London journal. He operated the first telegraph line in Zaneville and is credited with writing the famous song "Tippecanoe and Tyler Too," in the Harrison presidental campaign.
He set aside his trade in the late 1860s and became an insurance agent.
- He appeared on the 1850 census taken at Zanesville OH, listed as a jeweler.
- He appeared on the 1860 census taken at Putnam OH, listed as a jeweler.
Alexander married Caroline Granger on 2 Apr 1838. (Caroline Granger was born on 18 Mar 1819 in Zanesville OH and died after 1892.)