Edward Winslow
- Born: 1 Nov 1669, Boston MA
- Christened: 19 Nov 1671, Boston MA
- Marriage (1): Hannah Moody on 30 Jun 1692 in Boston MA
- Marriage (2): Elizabeth Pemberton on 22 May 1712 in Boston MA
- Died: 1 Dec 1753, Boston MA
General notes:
Events in his life were:

- He worked circa 1689-1750 as a silversmith in Boston MA
Owing to the great richness of his four known sugar boxes, it was at one time thought that he had served his apprenticeship in London. He held so many positions in the colony that one wonders how he had time to fashion the silver known to be from his forge. He was an active member of the Old South Church, Boston, of which, with his wife Hannah, daughter of Rev. Joshua Moody, he became a member in 1692. He was listed as a communicant of the Brattle Street Church in 1741.
His three dishes for the Second Church in Boston, made in 1711, are unique in all published silver; and his baptismal basin, the gift of Adam Winthrop to the same church in 1706, is the earliest New England one made for this purpose (Dummer's and Coney's were domestic originally). Samuel Sewall records purchasing in 1713 /14 six silver spoons from Captain Winslow "cost about 21s. a piece" and "January 16, 1721 /22: I went to his Excellency and presented him with a Ring wt 3p and 3 grains cost 3 5 s. and 3 d. with this Motto Post tenebras Lucem Jan 7 1721/22: respecting the Darkness of the Small Pocks, and our Divisions; which his Excellency received very graciously in Mr. Sergeant's Counting Room. Capt. Winslow made it". In 1736 the estate of Mary Mico paid him £37 8s. for eighteen rings, indicating prolonged activity. Although he decreed that his household plate be sold to meet legacies and expenses of his estate, a sugar box and a tankard of his fashioning, the latter with his coat of arms, descended in the family until this generation and are now owned respectively by the Yale University Art Gallery, Garvan Collection, and Phillips Academy, Addison Gallery of American Art in Andover,

- Standing salt, c 1690-1700
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 9
h: 5 1/2"
w: 4 15/16" (base)
wt: 9 oz, 1 dwt
Engraved with Edes crest opposite "E over I M" for John and Mary (Tufts) Edes

- Place spoon, c 1690
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 9
l: 7 5/8"
wt: 1 oz, 18 dwt
Engraved "M over R • S" on back of handle

- Chocolate pot, c 1700-1710
Metropolitan Museum of Art
h: 9 1/8"
d: 3 15/16" (foot)
wt: 23 oz

- Sugar box, c 1700
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 9
h: 5 3/4"
w: 6 11/16" (at rim)
l: 8 1/2" (at rim)
wt: 22 oz, 15 1/2 dwt
Engraved S over E * M for Gurdon and Mary (Whittingham) Saltonstall; the original owner is unknown.

- Serving spoon, c 1700-1710
Yale University
l: 16 1/4"
- Made freeman of Boston MA, 1702. 4

- Sugar box, c 1702-1710
Yale University 20
h: 5 3/8"
l: 7 13/16"
w: 6 5/8"
wt: 18 oz, 16 dwt
Made for personal use and descended in the Winslow family.

- Sugar box, 1702
Winterthur Library 22
l: 7 7/16"
w: 6 1/8"
h: 5"
wt: 15 oz, 2 dwt
Engraved O over D • E over Donum W • P 1702 for Daniel and Elizabeth (Belcher) Oliver. The box was given by William Partridge, probably celebrating the birth of the couple's first child.

- Trencher salt, c 1702
Private Collection
h: 2 1/4"
d: 3 3/8" (at base)
wt: 1 oz, 18 dwt
Engraved "S M" for Sarah Middlecott.

- Tankard, c 1710
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 9
h: 3 1/2"
d: 3" (base)
wt: 6 oz, 10 1/2 dwt

- Salver, c 1710-1720
Yale University 20
h: 2 1/2"
d: 6 1/8"
wt: 8 oz, 7 dwt
Engraved with the Belcher arms and AB on base for Andrew Belcher.

- Pepper box, c 1710-1715
Yale University 20
h: 3 3/8"
d: 2" (base)
wt: 3 oz
Engraved IE P for Jane (Elliott) Pepperell.

- Beaker, c 1711
Yale University 20
h: 5 3/4"
d: 3 5/8" (base)
wt: 10 oz, 14 dwt
Bought with the following bequest of John Wainwright, "I give and bequeath to the Church of Ipswich ye sum of 5 pounds money, to be paid over for a piece of plate for ye Lord's table."
- Advertised in the Boston News-Letter (Boston MA), 1 Oct 1711-8 Oct 1711, noting items "Taken out of the House of Mr. Edward Winslow Gold-Smith on the South side of Kings-Street Boston in the time of the Fire on Tuesday night last..." 8
- Appointed in 1714 as Captain of the Artillery Company in Boston MA 3

- Mourning ring, 1720
Yale University
d: 13/16"
Engraved "I Dudley late Govr. of NE·ob 2 April 1720 Æ 73"
- Appointed in 1728-1743 as Sheriff of Suffolk County in Boston MA 3

- Portrait by John Smibert, 1730
Yale University

- Communion cup, 1732
Worcester Art Museum
h: 7 3/4"
d: 4" (rim)
Engraved "The Legacy / of Stephen Minot Esqr / to the Church / in Brattle street / 1732". One of a pair, the second in the collection of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts.
- Appointed Colonel in the Boston Regiment in 1733. 3
- Appointed Judge of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas in Boston MA. 3
- Obituary printed in the Boston Post Boy (Boston MA) on 3 Dec 1753
"Last Saturday night died here in the 85 year of his life the Hon. Edward Winslow, Esq. one of his majesty's justices of the Court of Common Pleas for the County of Suffolk; he was also for many years sheriff of the said county and colonel of the regiment of foot of this town".
Edward married Hannah Moody, daughter of Unknown and Unknown, on 30 Jun 1692 in Boston MA. (Hannah Moody was born on 17 Sep 1672 in Boston MA and died on 25 Apr 1711 in Boston MA.)
Edward next married Elizabeth Pemberton on 22 May 1712 in Boston MA. (Elizabeth Pemberton was born about 1691 in Boston MA.)