Samuel Wilmot
- Born: 1777, New Haven CT
- Marriage (1): Mrs. Mary A. Wilmot in 1803
- Died: 25 Mar 1846, New Haven CT
General notes:
Events in his life were:

- He worked circa 1798-1800 as a silversmith in New Haven CT 3
- He was a partner in 1800-1808 with Benjamin? Stillman in New Haven CT as WILMOT & STILLMAN, from a shop located on Chapel St., "three doors east of the bank." 12
- Advertised on 2 Jan 1810 (New Haven CT), informing the public "that he has removed his shop to the new brick building nearly opposite to his old stand . . . corner of Chapel and Orange Sts. where he intends keeping an assortment of Gold and Silver Work. . . . N.B. All indebted to him by book or otherwise be requested to call and settle the same by the 1st of Feb. next as a new arrangement in business makes it necessary that all his accounts be closed." 3
- Advertised in the Winyaw Intelligencer (Georgetown SC), 1 Jan 1825, as a watchmaker and silversmith. 3
Samuel married Mrs. Mary A. Wilmot in 1803. (Mrs. Mary A. Wilmot was born in 1785 and died on 8 Sep 1816.)