James Easton
- Born: 20 Feb 1807, Providence RI
- Marriage (1): Sarah Coleman Wyer on 25 Oct 1831 in Nantucket MA
- Died: 20 Feb 1903, Nantucket MA
General notes:
Silversmith, jeweler, and watchmaker
Events in his life were:

- Apprenticed about 1820 to William Hadwen in Nantucket MA 3
Purchasing, in 1828, his master's business.
- He worked in 1828-1830 as a jeweler and watchmaker in Nantucket MA

- He was a partner in 1830-1838 with Frederick Coleman Sanford in Nantucket MA with the start of business announced in The Inquirer, 10 Apr 1830. Shop located at 62 Main Street by 1833. 3

- Alternate Mark for EASTON & STANFORD.
- He worked in 1839-1870 as a jeweler and watchmaker in Nantucket MA
His account books, at the Nantucket Historical Society, show he sold a very wide range of fancy goods, as well as offering engraving and watch repair. Notwithstanding the 1850 census entry, there is no evidence that he ever manufactured any silver goods, but did purchase large quantities of flat and hollowware from Jabez Gorham, Newell Harding, and Boynton & Woodward.
- He appeared on the 1850 census taken at Nantucket MA, listed as a silversmith.
- He appeared on the 1855 census taken at Nantucket MA, listed as a merchant.
- He appeared on the 1870 census taken at Nantucket MA, listed as a jeweler.
James married Sarah Coleman Wyer on 25 Oct 1831 in Nantucket MA. (Sarah Coleman Wyer was born on 23 Dec 1809 in Nantucket MA.)