Cyrus King Wentworth
- Born: 2 Aug 1816, Dover NH
- Died: 7 Nov 1847, Macon GA
General notes:
Jeweler, and watchmaker
Events in his life were:
- He worked before 1840 as a silversmith, jeweler, and watchmaker in Boston MA 15
- He worked in Mar 1840-Nov 1844 as a silversmith, jeweler, and watchmaker in Milledgeville GA in charge of the watchmaking department in the shop of Otis Childs. 15
- He worked in Nov 1844-1 Jan 1847 as a jeweler and watchmaker in Macon GA with a shop on Mulberry Street. 15

- He was a partner on 13 Apr 1847 with B. L. Burnett in Macon GA as WENTWORTH & Co. In October, they opened a second shop in Midgeville run by Burnett.

- Advertised in the Georgia Journal and Messenger (Macon GA), 24 Nov 1847,

- Advertised in the Georgia Journal and Messenger (Macon GA), 24 Nov 1847,