John Sayre
- Born: 13 Jun 1771, Southampton NY
- Marriage (1): Elizabeth Downer on 10 Apr 1816 in Westfield NJ
- Died: 26 Nov 1852, Plainfield NJ
General notes:
Silversmith, jeweler, and watchmaker
Events in his life were:
- Tea caddy, 1795-1800
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 9
h: 7 1/2" (including finial)
l: 5 3/4" (base)
wt: 15 oz, 13 dwt
- He worked circa 1796-1818 as a gold- and silversmith in New York City NY working at 281 Pearl Street until 1801 and as gold and silversmith at same address as brother Joel, 1802-18. Published Bible commentaries and other religious works. Moved to Cohoes NY in 1824 to become director of cotton factory. 3
- Advertised in the Commercial Advertiser (New York City NY), 3 Jul 1801, "For return of stolen spoons and tongs, Mark J. SAYRE. $20 Reward." 7
- He was a partner in 1802-1813 with Thomas Richards in New York City NY as SAYRE & RICHARDS. 4
- Advertised in the New York Mercantile Advertiser (New York City NY), 23 Nov 1803, for SAYRE & RICHARDS:
Watches, Plate and Jewellery Sayre & Richards, No 240 Pearl-street, comer of Burling slip, have for sale, wholesale and retail, a large assortment of English watches, direct from the manufactures; alsoWatch and Clock makers tools, watch and clock materials, viz, best English main spring clock and watch dials, clock and watch pinions, plyers and cutting nippers, bench and pin vises, with a collection of the best Lancashire files from 2 to 12 inches long suitable for silver smiths and jewellers use. They manufacture silver tea setts of the newest and most approved patterns, and silverware in general; also, gold chains, seals, keys, and a variety of other jewellery. N. B. Clocks and watches of every description, repaired with care and punctuality.
- He appeared on the 1850 census taken at Plainfield NJ, listed without occupation.
John married Elizabeth Downer on 10 Apr 1816 in Westfield NJ. (Elizabeth Downer was born on 31 Dec 1788 in Westfield NJ, christened on 8 Feb 1789 in Westfield NJ and died on 27 Aug 1874 in Plainfield NJ.)