George Cooper Howe
- Born: 23 Sep 1802, New York City NY
- Marriage (1): Hester Ann Higgins on 24 May 1832 in New York City NY
- Died: 4 Dec 1841, New York City NY
General notes:
Silversmith and jeweler
Events in his life were:

- He was a partner in 1827-1834 with Edwin Stebbins in New York City NY as STEBBINS & HOWE.
Articles of Copartnership May 1st, 1831, between Edwin Stebbins & Geo. C. Howe to carry on the Jewellers business at No. 146 Chatham St one door from Mulberry St partnership to continue as long as either may think proper, to have an equal Share in stock & fixtures. It is agreed that 4 notes dated May 1, 1831 for $200 each, 1st payable 2 mos after date, 2d 4 mos after date, 3d 5 mos after date, 4th 6 mos — each payable to the order of Geo. C. Howe & made by the firm of Stebbins & Howe & to be paid out of the money rec'd by the firm — profits to be divided equally between the partners. The firm shall not endorse any paper & shall not loan out any money.
Geo. C. Howe.
Witness. Edwin Stebbins.
Alex'r Rumrill Jr.
May 1st, 1831 18

- He worked in 1828-1841 as a silversmith in New York City NY as GEORGE C. HOWE & Co., listed in the 1836 city directory at 148 Chatham Street. 18

- Watch paper, c 1830
Private Collection
George married Hester Ann Higgins on 24 May 1832 in New York City NY. (Hester Ann Higgins was born on 16 Jul 1808 in New York City NY and died on 15 Mar 1884.)